Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I have a pug and a big dog is it ok to get a chihuahua?

We have 2 pugs, an Old English Mastiff and a baby Chihuahua. There is a dominance order in my house. The dogs will establish that on their own. But... considering the size of the Chihuahua we pay extra attention that everyone is careful with her. Even though the Mastiff is sweet, she wants to play with the baby and I am afraid she will accidentally step on her. When we are not available to watch the dogs interact the baby gets put in her play pen for safety.
yah it should be if the 2 dogs ANGERS or oki against others!!
Adding a third... I wouldn't do it. You're increasing pack drive... no way.

2 dogs is 2 dogs, but 3 dogs is 100 dogs.
How friendly are your dogs? Also, dogs love groups, so if your dogs are well-mannered and friendly - go for it.
You should if your other dogs are not mean but if you do pay atteion to all of them cuz one of the dog could get jelous.
we have two chi's(Chiquita female 41/2 lbs. Chico male 5 lbs. )and my mothers dog luvy ,a rottweiler(rosia) they all get along very well but be aware the chi will soon run the roost my female chi runs the hole house i am not sure about pug behavior but introduce in intervals till you see them getting along that's how we did it in our house
It's fine to get a Chihuahua! Just realize that there'll be more vet bills and it'll cost more. You also might want to let it get used to your other dogs first. If I were you I'd try taking them all to Obedience classes so they can get along well.

Hope this Helps!

(This is a sweet/cheap chihuahua )

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