Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I have a rott why why is it that she like it when i lay my head on her or have my foot on her..she just loves?

to be so close to me? she also dosnt like it when people in the house gets to close to me. does she think shes my mom or what?
i think it is from when they were pups they would all be close to stay warm and they would pile up on each other so it is a comfort thing i think but not all dogs or cats like it so each to there own
oh and the ppl thing it is a protection issue you should feel luck she is just letting you know how much she cares :)
Because your pup feels loved and only wants you for herself
Dogs love to be close to thier owners, it is thier way of saying they love you and want you to love them back. She is trying to please you. My boxers do that and I know that it gets annoying at times, but at the same time I also think it is cute. I think that she is jealous that another person is getting to close to her owner and therefore she is going to get between you both. My boxer pup does that kind of thing all the time. As long as she doens't get aggressive towards others and she is still loving and affectionate then I wouldn't worry too much. C.T.
She likes to be the center of attention where your concerned, it gives her a sense of security and comfort to be around you. I have a 7 month old pug %26 she's the same way.
I have pitbull that does the same thing. She is 7 yrs old now and still lays all over me . Just don't let her even start getting aggressive about it, if she does nip it in the bud now! Shes just loving being close to you!
Jealous of others my Lab does it when my husband kisses me he will root his nose in between us and cuddle up close to me. She must feel close connection to you and you obviously treat her well!

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