Friday, July 31, 2009

I just bought my second chihuahua and i need to know what im doing wrong with the potty training thing.?

im doing it by the book. im crate training her. i come home to take her potty every three hours but she still poops and pees in her crate. i thought dogs don't wont to go were they sleep. what should i do? any suggestions?
Hello...if she's a puppy, accidents are gonna happen %26 the crate has to be SMALL..the smallest they make, if that don't do it...block half the crate so she only has room to turn, stand %26 stretch ( that's all they need %26 really prefer, dogs are nesters- close quarters don't bother them, also feeding schedules are a must, 15 minutes down, then up till the next feeding time ..and so you know, some chi's never completey potty train well, some even use litter boxes ...just never use clumping litter around dogs !! It's not about their size or bladder sizes either, just how some little dogs can be, they prefer to train their owners rather then be trained LOL ..little puppys like chi's etc do need water @ least 3 times a day !!! Take Care :) I do have more detailed details on my 360 as well, just to me their too big for Answer posts...Take Care :)
How old is the dog? At 8 weeks they may need to go every 2 hours. If the crate is too large they will go in it. Talk with the breeder.
that happend to me too.
Their small body parts makes them have a big need to go to the bathroom more than other dogs because they have small capacity in their bladder or intestines.
You may need to do it every one or two hours, because they will do anything to get the waste out of their bodies, even if they have to get it into their beds.
honestly crate training a dog is not the best way to do it they have little doggy pee pads and if you get those (you can get them at target, wal-mart,dollar store) they sometimes use them and if you set there and tell them you go pee pee here sometimes the will listen and also get them some treats so that when the do use the pad they will relies that if the go on the pee pad the its a good thing and they wont get in trouble. Some times they don't like the feel of the pad so put some news paper on it which some you can get for free this has worked for my dog and it should work for you if not then call your vet for help
I have a 10 year old chihuahua that still potties in her kennel. As long as I'm home she tells me she needs to go out and never messes in the floor, but when we leave I put her in her kennel and she does it every time. I've tried leaving her in the utility room with plenty of food and water when we had to be gone overnight and she didn't eat, drink, or potty. They are strange little dogs and I, like you, thought they wouldn't do their business where they sleep, but I guess we were wrong. I'm anxious to see other answers to this question because I'm willing to try ANYTHING to make my dog change her evil ways!
How old is she? General rule of thumb is 3 months=3 hours of hold it, 4 hours at 4 months and so on.
Could be the crate is too large as well.
How old is the dog? Dog's don't normally go where they sleep.. But if they are young and can't hold it, or are being left so long that it's just impossible not to go, they will in fact go...
It's important to know how old she is, cause that makes a difference.. I mean if she is 8 weeks old, then perhaps you need to get home every 2 hours.. WHen I am housetraining puppies, I put them outside every 1/2 hour so that they have tons of opportunity to be out and tons of chances for me to praise them for doing the good thing. Maybe she is just too young and every 3 hours isn't good enough. Maybe you need to have someone come in every 2 hours or 1 1/2 hours to let her out.
You can't allow her to keep going in the crate, cause eventually she won't care about messing where she sleeps. Right now she likely feels horrible doing it and tries hard not to.. If she is forced to go in there too much, it will become normal for her and she won't bother trying to hold it.
Leaving a puppy or dog in a crate while you are gone is not a good idea. If the poor dog has to go, it will no matter what. They can only hold it so long. Only use the crate when you are there and can let the dog out when he/she gets restless. That way they will learn to tell you they have to go out. The best and only way that I have found to potty train a dog is to use a gate or something the dog can not get over or around. Block the dog into a small area with flooring (not carpet) maybe a bathroom, put down "pee pads" that can be bought everywhere. They really do work. The dog will choose to go on the pads because they don't like urine splashed on their legs. Keep the area the same and the pads in the same place. The dog will go to the same area consistently over several months time. This takes the longest period of time, be patient. After at least 6 months you can move the pads to another area closer to the outside or outside. Keep a pad in the same area just in case. Try to catch the pup or dog in the act and redirect them to the outside or yard where you want them to go. This won't take long to do since they are already trained to go in one spot. Be sure to praise, praise, praise, so he/she knows that what they are doing is the right thing. It will pay off. You have to be consistent. Don't by any means let the dog have the run of the house because you are asking for accidents, and you will never get the poor dog potty trained. The best training is to prevent accidents before they happen. The poor animal does not know when you hit them, or punish them what they have done wrong, so please don't hit the dog. You can scold him/her if you catch them in the act, but do it immediately, not a few seconds later. The animal forgets quickly. They will only learn to be afraid of you if you hit them. They are only doing what comes naturally and can't figure out why you keep hitting him/her. So please, praise, praise, praise. That's when you get results. When you catch them in the act, immediately yell "NO". This will let him/her know that what they are doing is wrong. Immediately take them to the correct place to potty. Be consistent, and patient. It will pay off.

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