Friday, May 21, 2010

I need a vet in Calais to see dog before coming back to uk any recommendations please?

No specific recommendation, but a word of warning. When my mum and dad brought their dog back from Greece, they had to stop in Calais to get the vet to check it over.

They did this, in accordance with the guidelines, but when they got to Calais, the customs officials refused to acknowledge the vet's certificate and "insisted" that my dad took the dog to another vet in the vicinity to go through the process again.. UNLESS he was prepared to pay them about 150 Euros in cash, in which case they would overlook it.

Unfortunately, he was in such a hurry to get home he had to pay up, but he was really outraged by the whole thing. Might be worth taking some extra cash in case you encounter the same corruption!

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