Friday, May 21, 2010

I need a name for my new rottweiler puppy its a girl!!!?

please help, i cant think of any thing, maybe something german?? shes beautiful!!..thanks!!!
German names: Nina, Eva, Ema, Christine, Emilie, Sandra, Uli, Uma
I like the name "Muffin", "Munchkin", "Tess", "Natalie",
"Princess", "Jessica", "Bambi", "Sophia", "Paris",
"Bree", "Kami", "Kiki", "Carly", "Emily", "Coco", "Liz",
"Belle"/"Bella", "Lily", "Sami", "Krystal"/ "Crystal",
"Grace"/"Gracie", "Kendall", "Bianca", "Gabby",
"Venus", "Erica", "Nelly"/ "Nellie", "Alicia", "Sabine",
"Lee", "Lexie"/"Lexi", "Alexis", "Kristie"/ "Kristin",
"Kelly", "Bebe", "Beauty", "Elise" "Angel", "Angeline",
"Dixie"/ "Pixie", "Babe", "Fifi", "Vicky"/ "Vicki"/ "Victoria" or "Mimi" for a girl.

But whatever name you would like to use as a
unique name for your imminent puppy, I
have advice on picking an appropriate one
even if you don't like the following.
Most dog owners like to name their dogs in
comparison to its looks or personality (e.g. the popular "Fido" is derived from a Latin word
meaning loyal, Belle is derived from a latin root
meaning beauty or beautiful). Also it is highly
recommended that you choose a two-syllable
name that doesn't interfere with the
pronunciation of a command (e.g. "Lila"
or "Lyle" sounds a lot like the commands
"lie"/"lie down" and Mister Guildenstern
is a big no-no). In that way, your dog will
understand the difference between its name
and a command and it will realize its name
faster (even if you change it). I highly recommend
not to change a dog's name but if you insist,
using my advice will continue to work.
1 . gracie
2 hane
3 lena
4 sohpia
5 leah
A-Madyson is a great name for a big dog.
B-Gretchen is suitable
C-Bertha is also suitable
D-Venus is good
E-Sheeba is always good

Hope this helps?
How about Elsie? that's german
Blume: German for Flower
Schwester: German for Sister

Or check out, type in a word and it translate it for you... a lot of different languages...
kitty(its a cute name for a dog:))
I dont think that german words make very pretty names, in general. Just my opinion...
Zuri - means beautiful in swahili
Malaika - means angel in swahili
Kaunis - means beautiful in finnish
I always liked the name PICA for a dog... It means magpie in latin. Magpies are known for their indescriminate appetites, and so are puppies.
Gretchen, Heidi, Sadie, Fraulin..have fun! New puppies are the best!

Ketta.. it means chain.
Don't know if german but Olivia Rose is cute
please try Natalie...

my favorite puppy .

her name is Natalie...
Well, I can't think of anything German but I think Rylie is a good name! I have a cousin and her dogs name is Rylie.

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