Friday, May 21, 2010

I lost important papers concerning my dog!!! plllzzzzzzzzz help?

I got my dog when she was 6 months old ,by a moving co- worker .She gave me all the proof of shots and paper work ,but i lost them .Now I can't get any groomer or doggy salon to handle her without them!! What can ,I do? I'm no longer in contact with my co worker,and I dont
know the doctor that originlly gave her all the shots and stuff.
Regardless she will need proof and that means new rabies shot. If you had the rabies tag you could request a copy of the date the shot was given or the vet who issued the shot. And heck no the groomers won't groom your dog without proof of rabies because rabies is fatal and the shots for people are very painful. Its not that big a deal to get the shot a little sooner then recommended, it happens to dog everyday that are lost or surrendered and then adopted by animal shelters or rescue groups. Spend a little cash and make copies of your dog's records for safe keeping.
I keep all my dogs rabies papers on a clip board on my fridge. So far I've never lost my fridge!
Your only option is to get all of her shots again. It won't hurt her, and you'll have all the proof you need.

Have the vet redo all the shots. That's what I did.
write all of them down and go to court house and make a statuory declaration and that will be your proof in future
Well you most likely had to register the dog with your town or city, right. They would have a record of the papers and you could go get a copy. Otherwise you should start looking. Maybe taking her to the vet that you have taken the dog to, they should have a record as well. Also getting shots redone may do the trick, ask the vet. Good Luck.
dogs usually require their shots every year except for the second round of rabies that should last 3 years, I would just fnd another doctor and get the shots again, or call your local humane society they are usually cheaper than the regular vet's office.
When you go to a new veterinarian for your check-ups, tell the technicians at the hospital about the problem.

If you know the location/general area of the original doctor and your co-workers name, they may be able to run a search, pull the medical records for you and have them faxed over.

Try to write up a list of any/all prior conditions, the dogs name/breed/reproductive status/ and any noted problems or defining characteristics.

If they can't find the medical history after you provide them with all of this information, then your veterinarian will likely have to redo the shots.

However, if it's in a database it's possible another veterinary office can find these papers for you. Also, if the dog is microchipped that may prove to be a big help.

Hope this helps!

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