Friday, May 8, 2009

I have a doberman that leaks without knowing, how can i stop her from leaking?

whether she's awake or sleeping she leaks, how can i stop her from leaking?
Incontinence can be a problem... get her some of those doggy panties and put in the panty liners... Some dogs love them... I make them but my dogs will NOT wear them but my girl friends airedale likes hers... go figure

Contact your vet- she may have some sort of infection or structural abnormality not allowing her to control her urine properly.
take her to the vet because she might have a urinary tract infection
I would call your vet. I am sure there is medication for this problem. Besides medication I don't think you have another option!!!

Please see your vet!
i have a 5 yr old female boxer that has the same problem. I was so nervous that it was something really bad, that I procrastinated taking her to the vet. BUT, basically it is a common thing in (usually adult) female dogs that have been spayed. Later in life they develop this type of incontinence or "leaking". Kylie (my dog!) used to always leak in her sleep, awake, etc. but she is now on an easy-to-administer medication for it. It is called Proin. Fairly inexpensive as far as pet meds go and it works perfectly! They are chewable. This is her first month on it and no leaking!! (except that one day i forgot to give it to her!)
Hope this helps and makes you less stressed! I kno I was worried!!
Is your Doberman spayed? If so, I would bet she suffers from a very common ailment that affects Spayed, Female Dobermans. It is called urinary incontinence.

I have had 5 Dobe females and 3 of the 5 have suffered from urinary incontinence. While there are several causes for incontinence, the most common one veterinarians see is in spayed Dobe females. Typically, leaking will occur while sleeping or relaxed.

It is important that a complete workup of the urinary tract be performed prior to beginning any therapy for incontinence. But it is treatable. All my affected females have been on a med called Diethylstilboestrol or DES -- 1mg/day every 3-5 days. I know of others who are treated through the use of Phenylpropanolamine HCl -- which doesn't appear to be working well for your girl. Ask your vet about changing to DES. It's costly, but worth it!
My female Australian Shepherd has tried both Proin and DES. Our Vet had her on different doses of the two drugs. One without the other, and both drugs at the same time..she still leaks at times.
I then decided to use a cotton/fabric diaper/with a maxi pad (usually used for female dogs in heat). When she's in the house, on goes her "Undies". When she hears us say "undies" she goes right between my legs and let's me put on the diaper. She's very good about fact, I have a lot of different colours/patterns of "undies" for alternate to medication.

Good luck, hope everything works out for her.
IIncontinence in dobermans is common. sometimes they have two tubes coming from the bladder. Have the vet check. On the skin issue, if the dog is a blue or fawn skin issues there are also common..Find a vet that is familar with dobies.
liverine is good for the dry spots and as for leaking try pants with a hole for the tale to go through will not stop the leaking but will stop the mess

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